Monday, February 16, 2009

CSA Week 11

Sorry for the delay, the weekend was consumed by first round beer judging for our club's homebrew competition, The Coconut Cup.

Here's this week. M had to bike down to pick it up due to the Coconut Grove Arts Festival, which she decided was actually a very civilized way to get one's groceries.

  • Red Potatoes
Unfortunately we had already bought some the week before, so now we have a glut of potatoes. Still, they'll keep. Three of them went into a somewhat failed Spanish Tortilla last night. I'll try again and maybe post a photo if I get it right. Tonight some of them are going into another Norwegian dish from Viestad's Kitchen of Light: Dill Scented Roast Chicken with Potatoes. This should use up last week's dill, some of the potatoes, and who knows, maybe the last of the turnips and the chard?
  • Arugula
Ah the arugula we were supposed to get last week. It was consumed as a salad last night, with some capers, one of the Roma tomatoes, some radish slices, and a bit of olive oil and sherry vinegar. I broiled some large sardines (marinated in olive oil, garlic, salt, paprika, sherry vinegar and some of last week's thyme) and put them on top, which nicely wilted the leaves under the fish. Unfortunately the rest were on the tough side. If I had it to do again I would have blanched the leaves quickly.
  • Breakfast Radishes
Will be breakfast presumably. A little cold butter and salt. That's it. Tops will probably go with last week's radish tops for a radish and radish top salad this week.
  • Chard
Donno. May throw it in for the last few minutes in the roast chicken I'm doing tonight.
  • Roma Tomatoes
Will find a home, even just cooked up with some pancetta and pasta.
  • A Starfruit
Still not sure what to do with these. Doesn't feel right to just eat them straight.
  • An Avocado
Ripe in a week. Then probably guacamole again? Last week's was Saturday's guac. Ended up being almost all local: local avo, tomato, a Serrano chile and cilantro from the yard. Only the red onion and lime weren't from around here.
  • Honey!
Local honey. This should be tasty. I still have two black sapotes in the fridge that are very ripe, and we have a recipe for Pumpkin Scones that is spot on for the ones Starbucks sells. Maybe Sapote Scones and a little honey?


The big meal of last week was a Goat and Cabbage Stew inspired from a recipe in Kitchen of Light for Norwegian Lamb and Cabbage Stew, but using things we had: 3lbs frozen Goat meat chunks, the whole cabbage, some turnips, red potatoes. Browned the goat and deglazed with Linie Aquavit, added some caraway seeds. Otherwise the flavor is simple as the original recipe: goat, cabbage, and a lot of whole black peppercorns. There's about one serving left, we've been eating it for days and it just keeps getting better. The goat was cubed, bones and all, and in no particular anatomical manner, so it's a finger food that kinda freaks people out when you bring it for lunch and the pile of bones builds on your plate. Overall it was nice, simple, comfort food.

Canistel Pie

I took the four ripe canistels and made this recipe for Canistel Pie from Fairchild Tropical Gardens. First off, I try to make the recipe the way it was written, at least the first time around. But the whole teaspoon of cloves sent up red flags that I unfortunately did not heed. The cloves were way too strong. I'd cut back and go for more of a pumpkin pie spice and I think this would be outstanding. Also, pie dough from scratch reminded me what a pain in the butt it is to make. Still good though.

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